Presentation References

Presentation References

Important Deadline:

Friday, November 5 – Upload Presentation by 5:00 PM EST

General Instructions

  • All poster presenters will be able to answer questions live during the Poster time on December 2nd, 2021 from 1:15 pm to 1:45 pm EST.
  • The posters will be available during all days of the meeting through the Vfairs meeting platform.
  • Attendees will be able to download the PDF of the poster.
  • Posters should be 1 graphic with all presentation details as specified in your abstract.

Poster Specifications:

USCHA needs 2 images of your poster for the virtual platform, (1) full sized PDF of the poster, and (2) a small thumbnail graphic of the poster for a preview image.

Poster Image:

  • PDF at actual size, 300dpi preferred, 150dpi minimum.
  • File size below 25MB
  • Name the file for the title of your presentation

Thumbnail of Poster:

  • PNG or JPG
  • File size below 1MB
  • Name the file for the title of your presentation


  1. Use PowerPoint to design your poster in 16:9 format.
  2. Use interesting colors and graphics to support your information.
  3. For more tips and poster templates visit:

General Instructions:

  1. All workshops will have one hour total for your presentation.
  2. Presentations will be self-recorded by all workshop presenters. You are responsible for uploading the presentation to USCHA by Friday, November 5th, 5:00 pm EST.
  3. The pre-recorded presentation should be a minimum of 15 minutes in length or a maximum of 45 minutes.
  4. During the conference, the time of your presentation that remains after the pre-recoding is played can be used for further explanation or questions, until the end of the hour. 2021 USCHA will be using the Zoom platform (similar to 2020).
  5. All workshops will be matched with a liaison. The liaison duties are:
    1. Liaison will meet with presenters 15 minutes prior to live presentation in the zoom room to ensure you are logged in and ready to present.
    2. The liaison will play back the pre-recorded presentation.
    3. The liaison will assist with Q&A if needed.
    4. The liaison will be responsible for recording the workshop presentation for USCHA archive and on-demand purposes.

Workshop Specifications:

  1. Presentation recording File must be an MP4.
  2. Preferred format of video recording is 1280 x 720 aspect ratio.
  3. The recording file size must be 500 MB or smaller.
  4. Recording length, 15 minutes to 45 minutes.
  5. Name the recording for the presentation time and the title. (Session 2 Ending the Epidemic for the World)
  6. Accompanying PowerPoint for reference, save as a PDF, and name the file for the presentation time and title. (Session 2 Ending the Epidemic for the World)


  1. Record your presentation in Zoom. (
    1. There are many tutorial videos on YouTube and similar (including Zoom) and USCHA lists the following links as a reference only. Please note that newer updates to the Zoom platform may not be covered in any tutorial.
  1. Best Practices PowerPoint
    1. Use 16:9 wide format (not 4:3 format).
    2. Use provided USCHA Title Slide and End Slide in your presentation template.
    3. Avoid animations, sound effects, graphics that are low resolution, and overly detailed graphics with small charts or similar.
    4. If you have a video as part of your PowerPoint presentation, it should be shown as a stand-alone playback video during your presentation rather than as an embedded video in your presentation.
    5. Less is more. Remember that any PowerPoint presentation should enhance your presentation points and reenforce your take-aways. It should not be a word-for-word reiteration of your presentation.
  1. Best Practices Recording
    1. USCHA Tips for a great presentation:
    2. Familiar platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, Facebook have the basic tools of internet access, web camera, audio, lighting and visual background to help make recording easy.
    3. If a presenter is using their smartphone or tablet to record their presentation have them set their device camera in “Landscape” mode and not “Portrait” mode.
Poster Presentations

General Instructions

  • All poster presenters will be able to answer questions live during the Poster time on December 2nd, 2021 from 1:15 pm to 1:45 pm EST.
  • The posters will be available during all days of the meeting through the Vfairs meeting platform.
  • Attendees will be able to download the PDF of the poster.
  • Posters should be 1 graphic with all presentation details as specified in your abstract.

Poster Specifications:

USCHA needs 2 images of your poster for the virtual platform, (1) full sized PDF of the poster, and (2) a small thumbnail graphic of the poster for a preview image.

Poster Image:

  • PDF at actual size, 300dpi preferred, 150dpi minimum.
  • File size below 25MB
  • Name the file for the title of your presentation

Thumbnail of Poster:

  • PNG or JPG
  • File size below 1MB
  • Name the file for the title of your presentation


  1. Use PowerPoint to design your poster in 16:9 format.
  2. Use interesting colors and graphics to support your information.
  3. For more tips and poster templates visit:
Workshop Presentations

General Instructions:

  1. All workshops will have one hour total for your presentation.
  2. Presentations will be self-recorded by all workshop presenters. You are responsible for uploading the presentation to USCHA by Friday, November 5th, 5:00 pm EST.
  3. The pre-recorded presentation should be a minimum of 15 minutes in length or a maximum of 45 minutes.
  4. During the conference, the time of your presentation that remains after the pre-recoding is played can be used for further explanation or questions, until the end of the hour. 2021 USCHA will be using the Zoom platform (similar to 2020).
  5. All workshops will be matched with a liaison. The liaison duties are:
    1. Liaison will meet with presenters 15 minutes prior to live presentation in the zoom room to ensure you are logged in and ready to present.
    2. The liaison will play back the pre-recorded presentation.
    3. The liaison will assist with Q&A if needed.
    4. The liaison will be responsible for recording the workshop presentation for USCHA archive and on-demand purposes.

Workshop Specifications:

  1. Presentation recording File must be an MP4.
  2. Preferred format of video recording is 1280 x 720 aspect ratio.
  3. The recording file size must be 500 MB or smaller.
  4. Recording length, 15 minutes to 45 minutes.
  5. Name the recording for the presentation time and the title. (Session 2 Ending the Epidemic for the World)
  6. Accompanying PowerPoint for reference, save as a PDF, and name the file for the presentation time and title. (Session 2 Ending the Epidemic for the World)


  1. Record your presentation in Zoom. (
    1. There are many tutorial videos on YouTube and similar (including Zoom) and USCHA lists the following links as a reference only. Please note that newer updates to the Zoom platform may not be covered in any tutorial.
  1. Best Practices PowerPoint
    1. Use 16:9 wide format (not 4:3 format).
    2. Use provided USCHA Title Slide and End Slide in your presentation template.
    3. Avoid animations, sound effects, graphics that are low resolution, and overly detailed graphics with small charts or similar.
    4. If you have a video as part of your PowerPoint presentation, it should be shown as a stand-alone playback video during your presentation rather than as an embedded video in your presentation.
    5. Less is more. Remember that any PowerPoint presentation should enhance your presentation points and reenforce your take-aways. It should not be a word-for-word reiteration of your presentation.
  1. Best Practices Recording
    1. USCHA Tips for a great presentation:
    2. Familiar platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, Facebook have the basic tools of internet access, web camera, audio, lighting and visual background to help make recording easy.
    3. If a presenter is using their smartphone or tablet to record their presentation have them set their device camera in “Landscape” mode and not “Portrait” mode.

We look forward to receiving your presentation and PPT by Friday, November 5th. However, if you have questions or concerns about recording your presentation, please reach out to USCHA at and we will assist you.

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